Passing the online Assesment

How to Pass the Online Assessment

On-line assessment are becoming commonplace in the employment process, many employers believe it is a great gauge to get a understanding of how potential employees with respond to certain situations. You must always look at the assessment process from a managers stand point to pass it. Remember there are no gray area’s when it comes to right and wrong.

Question 1

What was the total value of merchandise and or cash you have taken without authorization from all your employers in the past three years?

The answer should always be 0

Question 2

How often are you willing to work weekends, we will have reasonable

accommodations for religious practices

Answer: Frequently

In a perfect world, businesses would make accommodations, but we don’t live in a perfect world so don’t try to get them to work around your schedule, work around theirs.

Question 3

How often are you willing to work overtime?

Answer: Frequently

Companies are always looking for people they can rely on in an emergency.

Be available.

Craig A. Palma

America’s number One Employment Strategist